To late with effurrything…

Hi (furry)furriends💗

Thank you all for coming to our pawty last week…

but we’re so sorry that we hadn’t time

to thank you all purrsonally

on your bloggie…

and Mother’s Day

slipped through our paws also…


there it goes…

and as it was sunny and hot

in our Country…

we had to work in the garden


…yes indeed…

Granny says

the work never stops…

and as we have to spare Grandpaw…

we have to do it all alone…

but at least we see the results of it…

the plants grow like crazy

and so do the weeds…

🐌…and the amount of slugs,

snails and other species…🙈

but we don’t complain…

because we’re finally undercover again…😹

I’m not..

I like to stay in the Sun…

for a little while…

so how about we’re doing some fill-ins

for our furriends 

before Granny replaces me

to..err.. down under…😸

You start Stippie…

1. Life is to short to tolerate inaction. I’m a playful kitty, so I’m always in motion…or slow motion…but at least I move, also when I’m asleep, which is a kind of motion too, right😸 and besides… I believe that you trap yourself when you’re not in motion. So keep on moving to feel better😹

Life is to short to tolerate mousies around the housies. This is what keeps me moving. I have to be on guard the whole day, to keep the mousies away😸

Life is to short to tolerate dishonesty. I don’t accept people who are unfair to me, or others and I’m blessed with a very good feeling, so I notice this immediately, also when it’s written. So better be honest with me…😄

2. Garden creatures gives me hope. It means that I still have a lot to chase and with a little luck, to catch too🐭🐦🦗🦋🙋‍♀️

Effurrything that’s alive and kicking gives me hope. It means that I still can have a lot of playtime and never get bored🐦🦗🦋🙋‍♀️

Life itself gives me hope. It means that I can still learn so much more about everything that inspires me and that I even have more time to bring out the best in me😊

3. I’ve been feeling distracted lately, because Grandpaw was home all the time, which had thrown my daily routine into disarray. And now that he is working part-time again, I’m back to half normal…😸

I’ve been feeling a little tired lately, because the temperature was to hot and stuffy for a few days, so I needed more sleep than effurr. It’s raining very much since yesterday evening, so it also cooled down, that’s why I can keep my eyes open again😸

I’ve been feeling mixed up for a few days, because I had a busy week and couldn’t do what I usually do to get some rest. So yesterday my feet hurt so badly, from standing to long, that I was happy that it was finally time to go to bed💤

4. I’m well aware that my fixation on food is a bit odd, so Granny and I worked on that and now I stopped whining for Stippie’s food…or Grandpaw’s… or Granny’s…MOL..and besides…I always get a treatful reward, so it is worth it😺

I’m well aware that my whining before I have to go to bed is a bit odd, but I still feel like a toddler, even if I’m a teenager now and I like to see the reaction of Granny and Grandpaw, because I have the feeling that they like it when I do that, so I keep it like this😹

I’m well aware that my English is a bit odd. I often mix the Dutch language with English and forget to check it… or think that it is perfect the way it is…lol…but most of you know me, so why worry😄

Are we ready now


…for now we are Peachy…

only a week behind

…on everything…

…but at least we had time to do our thing…

and find some peace again…🧘‍♀️

😺Have a Happy Thursday my furriends😸

🙏Stay Safe Healthy and Yourselfie🙏

– D o u b l e  P A W K I S S E S –


Where are you Thankful for today?

E N J O Y ! !



17 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. BellaDharma an BellaSita Mum
    May 25, 2024 @ 23:28:51

    Mew mew mew what a furabuluss post Neffkittiess Peachy an Stippie an Granny! GRATE Fill-Innss an fotoss!!! Wee are reeleeved that GranPaw iss bettur an bettur!!!

    ***paw kissess*** an ~~~head rubss~~~ Aunty BellaDharma~~~

    {{{huggiess}}} an ❤ ❤ ❤ Aunty BellaSita


  2. cat9984
    May 18, 2024 @ 23:30:57

    Wow, Stippie. We didn’t realize that you could look like an all white kitty. Very cool!


  3. draliman
    May 18, 2024 @ 06:09:26

    You would be welcome to come to my garden and deal with all the weeds, kitties 🙂


  4. Tails Around the Ranch
    May 17, 2024 @ 20:33:55

    Spring is always busy after the slowed down months of winter, sometimes it’s hard to catch up. We’re a bit overwhelmed here too and the wind keeps blowing in more leaves every day. We’re not sure from where they come…it’s like magic and not necessarily the good kind. LOL


  5. Eugi
    May 17, 2024 @ 13:49:43

    Seems there is always work to do and seems time just flies by. You boys are sweet to help Granny with the garden. Purrs and hugs! 😽


  6. messymimi's meanderings
    May 17, 2024 @ 03:58:16

    You have to do things at your pace, and your wording is beautiful. If you want to put in a Dutch expression or word, I’d enjoy trying to work out the meaning.

    Your garden is a delight!


  7. 15andmeowing
    May 17, 2024 @ 01:38:15

    Thank you to all 3 of you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers from all. Glad Grandpaw is well enough to go to work, but I am sure you miss him during the day. I think your written English is perfect Granny. XO


  8. Brian's Home ~ Forever
    May 17, 2024 @ 00:32:46

    I always enjoy seeing your pretty garden, you two work so hard. We’re thankful you share the fun with us. I enjoyed your answers too. Thanks for joining Angel Brian’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!


  9. Genevieve Petrillo
    May 16, 2024 @ 20:43:38

    Very fun fill-ins, frens! Gardens are always growing and changing. It’s tough to keep up, and being at the mercy of the weather does not help. We absolutely love Granny’s speech. It’s perfect as far as we are concerned. If we ever had to write in Dutch, it would be all, “bwjtfyghnveyduyhfjwncyuwrhjduwfj3uh,” so we are completely impressed.

    Love and licks,



  10. Anonymous
    May 16, 2024 @ 18:06:51

    Well, we have NEVER noticed anything awry with your language, dear granny of kitties. Everything sounds good to us and we read every word !


  11. The Oceanside Animals
    May 16, 2024 @ 16:27:20

    Java Bean: “Ayyy, you’ve got to work in the garden while the weather is cooperating, sí? Otherwise it might start raining!”


  12. Anonymous
    May 16, 2024 @ 16:01:23

    Oh you are such beautiful kitties and working with Granny so well in the garden ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,A ShutterBug Explores,aka (A Creative Harbor)


  13. Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder
    May 16, 2024 @ 15:09:32

    Dearest Peachy and Stippie,

    Oh, the garden work that is growing over the top of our head…!

    Life indeed is TOO short for managing it all.

    Lovely images of action and helping out.


    Mariette + Kitties


  14. Eastside Cats Blog
    May 16, 2024 @ 14:56:27

    Time just flies by!


  15. Carole Schulman
    May 16, 2024 @ 13:47:47

    I love seeing what all of you have to say. This is a favorite of mine. Me, sometimes Mom shares my bloggie. I let her became sometimesI am in her bloggie too. We have been extra busy too.


  16. onespoiledcat
    May 16, 2024 @ 10:38:59

    Dear Boys and Granny – we know that feeling of always being behind….Mom thought because she’s “older” (!) now, things would be different but they aren’t. Busy, Busy, Busy and I have to remind her to remember MEEEEE! Anyway, so happy to see what’s up at your house – glad Grandpaw is better and it’s been nice weather for you to be outside keeping the mousies away. Have fun and take care of yourselves – we love you!

    Hugs, Teddy and Mom too


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