Caturday Art and an early Selfie

Hi (Furry)furriends โค

Isn’t there anyone


who can help me

with the light of this camera…


who’s that right behind me…


do you have time…

to pamper help me…

for a moment…

and fix that camera for me…

so I can do a proper…


and artwork…

– P A W K I S S E S –

Click on the badges

to see what my furriends

have created

on both of the blog hops…

and why not create

something of your own

and get famous

in just one click…

Only two weeks to go

and we’re back

to our usual course of events…

I hope I still have that little patience๐Ÿ˜บ

๐Ÿ’—Have a wonderful weekend my furriends๐Ÿ’—



Thankful Caturday Art

Hi (Furry)furriends โค

It’s time to harvest…

what we have sown in April…

the peas are ready…

to being picked…


and the pickles too…

look how quick they change…

in just a click…

and the cumcumbers…


down there…

they’re so heavy

that they have laid themselves

on the ground…

and the green beans are waiting too…

now where are the green beans…

they stood here…


maybe Granny has already

eaten them…

I remember there were

about six of them…

maybe eight…

in full extension…

were hanging in there…

on their own littleย green bean tree…

…no wonder I missed those baby’s…

let’s see

where this path is leading me…

right into

our harvest…


they smell like…


I get myself in business

with those numbers…

Furresh veggies anyone?

After artclass maybe?

I did something different today…

I used the Picas-editor…

after I saw someone of you

were using it last week…

and I had to try it too…

and I like them…

but not as much as Lunat…pic..

as you can’t change them a bit….

you have to deal

with what you get…

and find another editor

to frame it all…

but it was a nice try…

don’t you think?

and now let me show you

what my LoneStarCatfurriends

made for me…

COOL huh?…

Talking about COOL…

we sure could use some coolness

over here now…

it’s to hot to do anything…

the early mornings are the best…

they’re breathing-tempurrature-like…

so we can work on the blog

a little bit every day…

but it’s getting real humid after a while

and then it’s time to stop…

and do nothing…

just hanging around…

but we’re

T H A N K F U Lย 

for the warm weather

and for the Sun

because he has ripened our veggies…

and makes us happy

because everything looks brighter

when the Sun is smiling at us…

and we’re


for the beautiful cartoon

from my Lonestar-furriends…

and for

A L Lย  O Fย  Y O U

my faithful furriends…

โค Have a wonderful day and Stay COOL โค

– P A W K I S S E S –

Click on the badges

and see

where my furriends

are Thankful for…

and what they

have created today


E N J O Y ! !

all of it โค



Artsy Sunday Selfie

Hi (Furry)furriends โค

I have to come…

straight to the point….

here’s my Selfie…

with a little Sunscreen filter…

and let’s see…

what I can do quick…

for my artclass of yesterday…

…because Granny couldn’t help me with that…

….because she was to tired to do anything…

…as I accidentally woke her up

in the early morning…

…and she couldn’t sleep anymore

after I stopped…

…like in never stopped…

talking to her…

until she finally got up…

and today we have to much to do…

in the garden…

so I have to leave you

with some…

Psychedelic Artwork

…as it feels like that today… ๐Ÿ˜€

โค Have a wonderful day โค

– P A W K I S S E S –

Click on the badges


E N J O Y ! !