We do it our way…

Hi (Furry)furriends💗

Ready for my practice…

we can practice together


we can build the bridge…

but as you’re not very


you better practice alone…

or with Granny…

while I’m going to do my own yoga

to keep me ZEN…

with my Nip-nanner…

…that’s a good idea Stippie…

I’m going to do that…

we can do more purring Yoga Granny…


…all purrs well…

now we’re completely ready

to fill in our fill-ins

for our furriends…

1. I find Stippie sometimes offensive. He walks around the house almost effurry day, crying like a little boy, because he doesn’t want to go to bed when it’s bed time🙈 but when he lies down in his place, he’s the first one who falls asleep immediately💤

I find Peachy sometimes offensive. He can be very bossy, and he makes effurrything his own and then scolds at me when I want to have it too. Mau mau mau mau mau mau is his talkative reaction, and sometimes I get a pats too🙀

I find the news(paper) offensive. They all seem to speak with one mouth and tell you only what they want you to know, see and must believe, as if you can’t think of yourself🙄 I call it indoctrination, so I never watched it and I never will🙉🙈

2. Dealing catnip is a good way to make some extra cash. We have lots of it, so I’ll be in business soon🌿

Selling apples is a good way to make some extra cash. I check the tree regularly and even eat the flowers from it, just to know how many we could make this year💰

Selling clothes that you don’t wear anymore is a good way to make some extra cash…but we prefer to give it to the Cat Foundation, so they can make money out of it. We do this twice a year and we’re happy we can help this way😄

3. A compliment makes me feel like I can accomplish anything. Granny always tells me that she’s purroud of me, when I listen to her. She says ‘well done, Peachy, you’re a good listener,’ that is of course after the deed has been done😹

Being around Granny makes me feel like I can accomplish anything. She always makes me feel safe, even when I hear loud noises. Of course I ran inside, or upstairs, but nothing can happen to me when I’m around her almost always good vibrations, so I make sure that I come down quick to stay in her Aura😹

When the boys listen to me it makes me feel like I can accomplish anything. It makes me happy and satisfied, because I know that my approach works…not only for the boys and me, but for all of us✨

4. I could see myself naming a cat or dog Birdie and besides that I talk a lot to them, I can give them some flying lessons too🐦

I could see myself naming a cat or dog Pollux to make them feel like a Star✨

I could see myself naming a cat or dog Puppy. When I was born they all called me Puppy, until my 11th year, so when this human can be called Puppy, a cat can be too, right 😉 In this case I would call my dog Kitty…yes, why not😄

that was fun Granny…

time for some brekkies now…

😻Have a Wonderful Weekend my furriends😻

🙏Stay Safe Healthy and Yourselfie🙏

– D o u b l e  P A W K I S S E S –


E N J O Y ! !
