Around the world


Granny, where is everybody…

The sun is shining…

and it has been ages

that I’ve been outside…


at daytime….

but it seems

that there’s nothing to do here



All my furriends are gone…


or passed away to Furryland


so that means

I have to give myself

a good time…

binky buiten

without any furriends…


Wait a minute…

I don’t have to be sad…

I have a lot of furriends..

from all over the world…


and nearby the house.

Remember Hermeline…

she’s still eating my food around,

and she really has grown,

into a giant hedgehog…

hasn’t she 🙂


And I just remember something…

that I almost have forgotten…

We have been nominated

for the


by our furriends Mollie and Alfie


who are also created this

very special Award….

They also create so much more

beautiful stuff…

most of all bling bling..

for your pinky and so…

If you haven’t met them

you really have to hop over

to get to know them

I tell you,

they’re one of a kind…. 😉


One moment please,

I have to prepare myself for the rules….

You have to pass this Award to 6 other furriends

and tell them


That’s it..short and snappy.

My nominees are:

Roxy and Tigerlino


Hope the Happy Hugger


Swami Zoe

The Island Cats



That’s six, Granny… I’m sure it is…

Let’s get inside

for a nap…

I’ll count again later.


I also was nominated for the Shine On Award


by our furriend Laliluce

We already have this Award,

click HERE for one of the posts…

but we want to thank her properly for the nomination…

Check out her blog

and meet KIKE and BERNICE 🙂

Now let’s all Shine together 🙂


– P A W K I S S –

66 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. thecontentedcrafter
    Apr 10, 2014 @ 11:28:41

    You have been gone long time Little Binky and Granny and you are both missed. I hope all is well for you, but am sending lots of hugs and love and strength, in case it isn’t. Do hope we hear something from you soon xoxo


    • angelswhisper2011
      Apr 10, 2014 @ 21:00:38

      Thank you for your message, Pauline, that means a lot to us. We’re fine and Granny is busy writing a new blog…Finally 🙂 We’ve missed you too and we’ll come to see you soon. Pawkiss for now…and more for later 😉


  2. Nylabluesmum
    Apr 10, 2014 @ 01:47:49

    Me haz fott n fott to stay here wif Mum n all me furendz. It haz nott bin easy n me gott so furry tired in Febuary n Mum said she understood n if me wanted to goez me cuud…of coarse she waz streamin wet frum here eyez n me just cuud nott leeve her at dat point…..
    Sum dayz are guud n sum dayz me feelz kinda old n ruff butt Mum singz to me n lubz me so much me iz stayin as long as me can!
    Hope ya iz feelin bettur Angel Whispurr….ya iz zo nice n we missed ya so…
    xo Nylablue n Sherriellen Mum too xo


  3. Nylabluesmum
    Apr 09, 2014 @ 22:14:59

    Yow Binky n Angel Whispurr me n Mum bin missin ya too…we hopez ya both iz all rite…Spring iz furinallee here (altho still chilli out) but snow iz meltin n maybee soon we seez birdz n squirrelz….
    We hopez all iz well….come back soon…
    Lub Nylablue n Sherriellen Mum too xoxoxo


    • angelswhisper2011
      Apr 09, 2014 @ 22:22:09

      Oh, Sweetie, we have missed you too. Hope you’re doing fine, my furriend. We’ll come back soon, Granny finally came out of her cocon… 😉 See you soon, Nylablue and Mum. Pawkisses 🙂


      • Nylabluesmum
        Apr 09, 2014 @ 22:32:54

        Yow it waz a BERY long Winter here….so much snow in cold fer 6 monthz….me gott bery sick in Feb-uary n me waz gonna bee helped to Summerland (Furryland as Binky callz it).
        Butt da nite befur me rallied n me iz still here……Me sirprixed da Vet n Mum n all our furendz!!
        Me iz stickin around fer as long as me can….pleeze tell binky she iz nott alone ’cause we all lub her!!!
        We hopez Angel Whispurr yer feelin more like beein a butterfly den a cocoon now…
        gentle ~~head rubz~~ n lub Nylablue n Mum xoxoxo


        • angelswhisper2011
          Apr 09, 2014 @ 23:02:16

          You’re so brave, dear Nylablue. We’re so glad you’re still around. We’ve thought a lot of you. I hope the sunny days make you feel better. Cold is terrible. We love you too. Big Hugs 🙂

  4. Marty the Manx
    Apr 04, 2014 @ 02:31:46

    Are you guys doing OK? We were hoping you would start bogging again, it has been almost a month….just worried…


  5. Sonel
    Apr 01, 2014 @ 09:38:39

    Missing you and Little Binky a lot Granny. Hope you are all well. 😀 ♥ Big Hugs ♥


    • angelswhisper2011
      Apr 09, 2014 @ 22:09:25

      We missed you too, Sonel. We’ll start blogging again, this is the start. Thanks for your message. We’re glad you did, that means a lot to us. Pawkisses and see you soon 😉


      • Sonel
        Apr 11, 2014 @ 07:24:10

        I see you did and always great to see Little Binky and Hermeline. Such great shots Angel. Take care. 😀 ♥ Big Hugs ♥


  6. thehappyhugger
    Mar 14, 2014 @ 11:38:05

    Hi Angel, I have missed seeing you around? Thank you for the award, I only saw it now… Hope all is well?


  7. Marty the Manx
    Mar 05, 2014 @ 01:09:38

    Oh good! See that you responded to Purrfect Kitties! Have been worried and checking your bloggie almost daily worried about you guys! You are one of the first bloggies I started following and we was getting worried and sad that something bad might have happened. Glad you guys are Ok! Sending purrs your way!
    Marty and Mom


    • angelswhisper2011
      Mar 06, 2014 @ 09:07:26

      Thank you for your message, dear Marty and Mom. I’m sorry we made you worry and sad 😦 Granny had no idea that there were so many furriends who are worried about me us. I told Granny that she MUST MAKE TIME to make a temporary-break-post, so nobody has to worry about us. She says she’ll do asap. Well, let’s cross our paws she’ll do that. Sending lots of Pawkisses for now 🙂


  8. Timmy Tomcat
    Mar 03, 2014 @ 22:59:39

    Well Binky seems the STAFF made an error but!!! You are still our good pal even if you gave Nessira a diffurent award! Such are the problems with our STAFF!
    Love and Purrs


  9. Timmy Tomcat
    Mar 03, 2014 @ 22:57:16

    I have to say you have so many friends Binky! At out house you have a clowder full yes you do! Purrs and Thanks fur giving that fine Award to Nerissa who then gave it to me! See! Good things go around
    Purrs to you and Granny too!


  10. mythreemoggies
    Mar 02, 2014 @ 17:43:25

    Wow you have a prickly friend exciting


  11. Sun
    Mar 02, 2014 @ 02:41:00

    Chuckles: Little Binky, your hedgehog friend is growing up so nicely. just wanted to wake up from my nap to say hi. congratulations on all the awards…i think you’re the queen of awards now. ruff-ruff. take care of Granny and RuffHugs to both of you.


  12. fozziemum
    Feb 28, 2014 @ 12:34:53

    We miss you too sweet Little Binky 🙂 give granny a kiss from us while she is busy 🙂 hugs Fozziemum xxxx


    • angelswhisper2011
      Mar 01, 2014 @ 09:04:59

      Oh, Fozziemum. You don’t know half how we miss you all, but furst things furst, huh…. Sending triljon of Pawkisses your way and thanks for letting us know you care. Big Hug from Granny 🙂


      • fozziemum
        Mar 01, 2014 @ 09:47:11

        Awww thankyou sweets ….as long as all is well with you we are happy as larks 🙂 🙂 hugs and kissey poos to you and Granny 🙂 xxxFozziemum


  13. purrfectkitties
    Feb 27, 2014 @ 21:02:58

    Hey sweetie, are you alright? We haven’t heard from you for quite some time now! We miss you! Hope everything is okay! xoxo Roxy & Tigerlino ❤


    • angelswhisper2011
      Feb 28, 2014 @ 09:02:31

      We’re fine, Roxy and Tigerlino. We won’t be around for a while, because Granny is to busy with other things and in the evening her eyes are to tired to read and blog. Thank you for your kind concern, my dear furriends. We miss you too. A triljon Pawkisses to bridge the time that we’re not around 🙂


      • purrfectkitties
        Feb 28, 2014 @ 19:18:32

        It’s great to hear from you, sweeties! 😀 We’re so relieved that you’re fine! 🙂 We were really worried about you all! We can’t wait for your next posts! Until then, have a PURRFECT time, dear furriends! Sending many PAWKISSES your way! 🙂 LOve and hugs, Roxy & Tigerlino ❤


  14. Traveling Cats
    Feb 27, 2014 @ 11:35:35

    Is alles goed met je? Het is al weer even geleden dat we nog iets van je gehoord hebben. Ben beetje ongerust.


    • angelswhisper2011
      Feb 27, 2014 @ 18:45:59

      Je hoeft je geen zorgen te maken, TC, alles is goed, maar we hebben niet veel tijd meer om te bloggen. We komen terug, maar ik weet nog niet wanneer. Bedankt voor je belangstelling. Erg lief dat je nog aan ons denkt. Pawkisses van mij en liefs van Granny 🙂


  15. Savannah's Paw Tracks
    Feb 23, 2014 @ 21:19:56

    Hi sweet furriend Binky!! Paw kisses to you! Check my bloggy on Monday Feb 24 because I am FINALLY getting Mom to show my appreciation for the beautiful gold Excellence Award to passed to me in JANUARY!! sigh…better late than never…paw hugs, Savannah


  16. SingleFocus
    Feb 10, 2014 @ 16:36:44



  17. Traveling Cats
    Feb 10, 2014 @ 13:42:35

    Oh, een egeltje in het eetbakje. Zo schattig. In België hebben wij de zon nog niet gezien. Jammer.


  18. Shakti Ghosal
    Feb 10, 2014 @ 07:43:24

    Sunshine, sharing and caring. That combination resonates, does it not?

    Great pictures and expressions therein.



  19. Trackback: LOVE AT PRIME TIME | FourCatPaw
  20. digitalgranny
    Feb 06, 2014 @ 01:02:28

    you have such a beautiful spot to get out and enjoy the sunshine. So sweet of you to let that sweet judge hog share your food bowl.
    Have a wonderful wednesday.


  21. Nylabluesmum
    Feb 04, 2014 @ 01:17:02

    Yow Binky me feelz fer ya…dere iz onlee dovez n sparrowz here n no 4 leggedz bizitin cause of diz nastee Winter….butt ya iz rite ya DO haz many furendz all over da werld n we carez eben tho we iz far away…we iz close in spirit to ya!!
    *paw patz* n ~~head rubz~~ Lub Nylablue xxx
    Pee ess: Ya haz a hedgeyhog?? Pawsum!


  22. da tabbies o torut towne
    Feb 03, 2014 @ 19:55:42

    binky…spring will be bak bye reeeely soon N bee fore ya noe it yur garden will be filled with friendz again !!!! conga ratz on yur awardz two !!!!


  23. colonialist
    Feb 03, 2014 @ 15:20:22

    Your friend does seem just a bit prickly!


  24. Sonel
    Feb 03, 2014 @ 06:06:01

    Awwww, Hermeline is just so cute Little Binky. Looks like she really enjoys your food. 😀
    Congrats to your and Granny on the lovely awards. Well deserved. 😀 *hugs*


  25. Marty the Manx
    Feb 03, 2014 @ 02:46:15

    Beautiful Little Binky we are so sorry you are lonely at home. Hopefully you wil find new furfriends at home soon. Concats on your wonderful awards! Sending you pawpats, Whisker Kisses and {{hugs}} from our mom


  26. Ann Staub
    Feb 03, 2014 @ 01:46:35

    Enjoy the sunshine Binky! And concatulations on your awards.


  27. Flynn
    Feb 03, 2014 @ 00:26:03

    Concats on your awards and thank you for passing the Blog around the World on to me.


  28. philosophermouseofthehedge
    Feb 02, 2014 @ 23:31:00

    So many elegant awards – so deserved! You are such a darling. And kind to Hermeline who is probably thrilled to be near your brilliance. Soft paw pats!


  29. utesmile
    Feb 02, 2014 @ 23:12:11

    So nice to have sunshine. Congratulations to your awards. Purr


  30. Austin Towers
    Feb 02, 2014 @ 22:32:03

    ConCats on your awards! That hedgehog looks spikey!!


  31. The Swiss Cats
    Feb 02, 2014 @ 21:24:59

    Concatulations on your awards ! And you’re so pretty on the pictures ! Purrs


  32. draliman
    Feb 02, 2014 @ 20:55:22

    Congratulations on the awards! That picture of you looking up at the camera is adorable 🙂


  33. The Island Cats
    Feb 02, 2014 @ 20:46:59

    Congrats on your awards and thanks so much for passing the one on to us!


  34. Swami Zoe
    Feb 02, 2014 @ 18:23:56

    Me-Ommmmm me-Ommmmmm! Thank you again fur another award! Me-Ommmmm


  35. The Persecution of Mildred Dunlap
    Feb 02, 2014 @ 17:42:37

    A well deserved award for you. And, yes adorable you, you are loved around the world big time. And, you are so photogenic, love them all. wag wag


  36. fourcatpaw
    Feb 02, 2014 @ 16:55:18

    Dear Little Binky, Congratulations on your super awards! You deserve all the best!
    Thank you for nominating me also thinking of me in a special way. I don’t know what to say…I’m so honored! Thank you so much 🙂
    I’m very excited to announce this special award on my page soon!
    And about thre hedgehog. It’s great that you share your food with her. Maybe she’s a mommy and breast-feeding her babies under the ground 🙂 (I don’t know if hedgehogs do that :-))
    You are their milk -mother in law or something like that. And it is interesting that your hedgehog is over the ground at this time of the year??? Normally they sleep like the bears do, during almost all winter. Maybe eating your food compared to sleeping is better for her!
    Pawkisses and thank you once again for the sweet award.
    Yelloz and Servant Z


  37. Animalcouriers
    Feb 02, 2014 @ 16:26:22

    Oh, sorry you’re feeling lonely but you do have the fabulous Hermaline – hasn’t she grown! All down to the quality of her diet 😀


  38. The Presents of Presence
    Feb 02, 2014 @ 16:09:31

    Congrats to you and Granny! Pawkisses to you! ♥


  39. Ayesha (Miss Spicy Hat n' Sugar Socks)
    Feb 02, 2014 @ 16:01:41

    that’s a very cute post! 🙂


  40. speedyrabbit
    Feb 02, 2014 @ 15:32:26

    I love hedgehogs to we had one stay with us last year for a few weeks,congrats on the awards Binky,love you garden too,xx Speedy


  41. Terry
    Feb 02, 2014 @ 15:21:47

    You are doing wonderful with all of your awards!!!!


  42. purrfectkitties
    Feb 02, 2014 @ 13:08:52

    Hey beautiful Little Binky, you’re not alone! You’ve got friend EVERYWHERE around the world! We all love you!!! Hey, what about we all come over to your place and have a great nip PAWTY!! 😉 Wouldn’t that be fun!? 😀

    That hedgehog is really cute! And thanks to your sharing your food with him, he’s already grown into a big fellow. 🙂

    Congrats on the awards and thank you so much for nominating us! What a super cool award! That made our day! You’re the best! 😀

    Have a PURRFECT Sunday, Sweetie!
    xoxo Roxy & Tigerlino

    P.S. We love the photo where you’re looking up at the camera. You’re so beautiful! Your eyes are gorgeous! What a cool color! 🙂


  43. fozziemum
    Feb 02, 2014 @ 13:00:19

    Congrats Little Binky and thankyou so much 🙂 I will get my self sorted and on top of my awards this time ahahaha goodness me ..I am a slow poke….your little friend has grown into a ginormous Hedgehog bwahahah and I am sure you will have friends soon…they always seem to arrive when you least expect them ! hugs Fozziemum xxx


  44. DailyMusings
    Feb 02, 2014 @ 12:31:18

    congratulations on your nominations! I also must say you are so very pretty! Hope you are enjoying your Sunday! Pawkiss 🙂


  45. peacelovenwhiskers
    Feb 02, 2014 @ 12:30:44

    Pawkiss to you my friend. I’m sure you will have new furry friends soon.


  46. Genevieve Petrillo
    Feb 02, 2014 @ 12:26:23

    You are generous and sweet to share your food with a hedgehog, Little B. No wonder you have so many friends. Congratulations on your awards.

    Love and licks,


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