A Poetic Thankful Thursday

Hi (Furry)furriends💗

It’s raining…

so I wait until the rain stops

before I go outside again today…

and I found myself a place

where I can overlook everything

what’s happening in the garden…

so that I don’t miss anything…

now look at that…

an airplane’s flying over…

very low…

how COOL is that…

so today I’m very


for places where I can sit

and see bird- and airplane tv

from the inside out…

and now that we’re talking about


that reminds me

that I have to do my weekly poem

for my furriends

Angel Sammy and Teddy

with this week’s picture…

“We all sat down

for a flight sky high

wondering where we’re going

when it’s starting to fly.

Some were excited

and some were not,

but everyone was happy

there on board.

Then we heard

the pilot’s command

‘Fasten your seatbelts

we’re going to fly

to a higher vibration

were we integrate

more jollification

before we land again

at your destination.’

🌦✈📚Have a Happy Thursday my furriends📚✈🌦

🙏Stay Safe Healthy and Yourselfie🙏

– P A W K I S S E S –


Click on the badges

to see where my furriends are

Thankful for today

and get inspired

by the real poets

among us

when you click

on Angel Sammy’s badge…

and don’t forget to

E N J O Y ! !

it all


19 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. coffee and me 💖
    Nov 09, 2020 @ 05:25:34

    💖💖 I also makes poetry and i hope you read it and by the way! Great poem


  2. sidilbradipo1
    Nov 07, 2020 @ 13:25:06

    Beautiful poem, lovely Binky ❤️


  3. BellaDharma an LadyMew
    Oct 31, 2020 @ 01:12:42

    Grate poe-em Sistur Binky!
    Wee furinallee back to vissit a bit. Still have to buy mew lappytop…sumtime next week wee hope….
    ***purrss*** an ❤ ❤ an **paw kissess** Sistur BellaDharma


  4. Three Chatty Cats
    Oct 30, 2020 @ 18:32:27

    My kitties also enjoy watching the outside from inside. And what a great poem!


  5. Tails Around the Ranch
    Oct 30, 2020 @ 16:52:21

    That kind of bird watching spot is extra special. 😻


  6. -Eugenia
    Oct 30, 2020 @ 14:40:18

    I love your poem, Binky! Yes, I remember when flying was fun and looked like that picture. Sigh.


  7. Genevieve Petrillo
    Oct 30, 2020 @ 14:18:09

    That is the perfect observing spot, Little B. You won’t miss a thing! (except sunshine)

    Love and licks,


  8. Garfield Hug
    Oct 30, 2020 @ 09:21:15

    Garfield Hugs and am glad you are indoors, looking out into the rain. Stay dry and warm as wintry cold is coming. Happy Halloween and are you trick or treating?


  9. easyweimaraner
    Oct 30, 2020 @ 08:36:43

    oooh da good ole times, what a sweet memory when flights were something we enjoyed..


  10. draliman
    Oct 30, 2020 @ 06:52:46

    Even when it’s raining you keep guard over your little garden 🙂


  11. 15andmeowing
    Oct 30, 2020 @ 00:51:03

    Great job on the poem. XO


  12. Memories of Eric and Flynn
    Oct 29, 2020 @ 23:05:56

    You have a good view of the outdoors, Little Binky. We are getting non stop rain too.
    Your poem is lovely.


  13. Helen Hauss
    Oct 29, 2020 @ 22:15:54

    Great poem and what a wonderful life you have Binky!


  14. catscue
    Oct 29, 2020 @ 19:36:31

    Great segue into the poem Binky, what an amazing kitty you are!


  15. onespoiledcat
    Oct 29, 2020 @ 18:30:00

    Little Binky you sure did do a GREAT poem today!! It’s purrrfect for the photo too. Nice that you could see a plane out your window to inspire you. I hope you got rid of the rain so you could have some sun. We have BIG RAIN today so I’m just napping the day away. Thanks for playing poetry with us today!

    Hugs, Teddy 🙂 ❤


  16. Brian
    Oct 29, 2020 @ 18:10:20

    That was a good poem sweet Binky and you look so cute watching outside! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!


  17. Sandee
    Oct 29, 2020 @ 17:59:51

    I love your view out the window. Way cool on the airplane.

    Love your poem. Those were the days indeed.

    Have a purrfect Thankful Thursday, Little Binky. Pawkisses to you and my best to your granny. ♥


  18. Meezer'sMews&TerrieristicalWoofs
    Oct 29, 2020 @ 17:52:45

    Those days of flying were quite the adventure…and when I was seven, in my Sunday best just like in that picture, my Mother took my sister and little brother to Europe…I have flown many times since then, but nothing quite like that time. Those were the days!!

    It is dry here for now, but the clouds are thick…so eventually we will get the wet stuff here too…


  19. databbiesotrouttowne
    Oct 29, 2020 @ 17:41:21

    binky ewe look most ree gul…. in foto one !!! we hope ewe get a brake frum de rains
    ….N joy yur day; yur poem two day rox 🙂 ♥♥


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